Continuous Professional Development Deadline: 31 May 2024
Authorised Representatives and Key Individuals are required to update and maintain their professional credibility on an on-going basis. It is therefore required that these individuals acquire relevant Continuous Professional Development (CPD) hours as a part of their Fit & Proper Compliance obligations and produce evidence thereof annually, within 15 days of the expiry date of the CPD cycle.
The Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Cycle is from 1 June to 31 May each year. Each individual must therefore conclude his/her CPD activities by not later than 31 May 2024 in respect of the current cycle.
REMINDER: The CPD hours acquired by each individual must be RELEVANT to their role and function within the FSP.
For ease of reference, please access the extract from Board Notice 194 of 2017 Chapter 4 re: Continuous Professional Development (CPD).
To ensure that you are enabled to upload your personal CPD certificates, please access CTB’s tutorial to ensure you can successfully upload your evidence to your individual Kotive profile.
Your evidence is required to be available to the FSP and External Compliance Officer (ECO) for monitoring by not later than 15 June 2024.
Our best as always,
The CTB Team