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June 23, 2024
Latest Announcements

FSCA Directive to Provide Information (DPI) 2024 Submission Deadline 31 July 2024

All Accountable Institutions (AIs) classified in Items 5 and 12 (including Crypto Asset Service Providers (CASPs authorised for the first time) of schedule 1 of the Financial Intelligence Centre (FIC) Act are notified of the FSCA's Directive to Provide Information (DPI) of 2024. The FSCA published its Communication 20 of 2024 together with Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on 27 May 2024 in terms of this DPI.

It should be noted that this DPI DOES NOT apply to Financial Services Providers (FSPs) exclusively authorised for product subcategories 1.2. Short-term Insurance (STI): Personal Lines, 1.6. Short-term Insurance (STI): Commercial Lines and or 1.16 Health Services Benefits.

This Directive requires that Key Individuals of these Accountable Institutions (AIs) recognise their obligation in terms of this Directive, and ensure an honest, truthful and accurate submission of the information required in this DPI by not later than 31 July 2024.

For guidance in terms of the requirements of this DPI, please receive below the communication from the FSCA as reference:

Furthermore, please receive a guidance tutorial to assist with the correct interpretation and successful completion of the DPI, together with a PDF version of the slides to download as a reference guide in responding to the questions raised.

Should you need to make enquiries regarding aspects of the DPI, or experience any technical issues, the relevant particulars of persons and channels of the FSCA are provided in the frequently asked questions document provided for your convenience.

Our best as always,

The CTB Team